Saturday 12 November 2016

Descriptions of my character in my film opening

My target audience is going to be a 15 as my film opening is a thriller and could be unsuitable in some places. I think that teenage girls will be most drawn to my film as the main character is of a similar age.

My main character is called Flora and she is a 16 year old teenager who suffers from schizophrenia and hallucinations which makes her see things that aren't really there. Flora, doesn't have that many friends as she is considered as quite a quiet and geeky person.
Flora has blonde curly hair with big framed glasses.
She is an introvert person due to her illness but is confident within her friendship group.
Flora loves school as it gets her mind off her hallucination but once she is alone and starts feeling nervous and valuable that is when she starts hearing voices in her head and seeing things that aren't really there.

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Dear Moderator

Dear Moderator, My name is Isadora Spratling and welcome to my blog. It is a record of the work undertaken as part of the G321 AS Founda...